Counterfeit Awareness Information
Consequences of Dealing with Counterfeit Products
Regrettably, certain unauthorised traders illegally import and distribute counterfeit products. Examples have been discovered in stocks and at fixed installations.
Barton is a registered trademark. Those proven to be involved in the distribution and receipt of Barton counterfeits may face prosecution.
For 40 years, genuine Barton products have been installed at numerous projects throughout the Gulf region where public safety is paramount. Counterfeits are inferior and are unlikely to perform according to British Standards, legislation and fire safety regulations.
Genuine Barton conduit and fittings are supplied and backed by product warranty. Counterfeits offer no guarantees and may invalidate 3rd party warranties to the end client.
Genuine Barton conduit is automatically hard stamped during manufacture. The tube carries a unique date code, permitting full traceability back to the date of manufacture.
To avoid falling into the counterfeit trap, ensure your purchases of Barton metallic cable management products are made through the authorised channels.